
Posture and breathing II
In sport or activity, whether you train intensely or not, you may have noticed the importance of good breathing and its impact on your performance. Most athletes know the moment they breathe wrong that their posture and movement following is compromised. In a previous...

Brace yourself
Have you noticed how you breathe when you're lifting weights? Or how you tend to hold your breath when you're trying to balance on something? The increase of intra-abdominal pressure during sport or activity is called ‘bracing’. You could read more about what creates...

Diaphragmatic breathing
An insufficient breathing pattern has a strong connection to many of the musculoskeletal problems we suffer from today such as low back pain, neck and shoulder strains, limited spinal mobility, and even repetitive strain injuries from work or sport.There are many...

Posture and breathing I
When it comes to posture and stability the way you breath plays a crucial role as breathing and posture form one functional unit. That is why, when working with anyone who has musculoskeletal issues and generally any movement difficulties, we almost always start with...

Try with us: 4 simple breathing exercises
Our last article was dedicated to respiratory therapy. We were discussing what it can help with, what are the methods used in therapy and its benefits. In this article you will find four simple breathing exercises that you can try at home.Breath is the very essence...

Every movement counts
In the article on healthy sitting and the right setting of the workplace, we talked about ways on improving the way we sit at the computer. At the end of the day, our goal is still to try and sit as little as possible and increase our general movement throughout the...

What is „DNS“?
Professor Kolař built the "Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization" concept based on his clinical experience and principles from developmental kinesiology and its neurophysiological and biomechanical links. His other great influencers from the Prague School of...

Sitting „correctly“
Spoiler alert: The answer to the question “Is there one correct sitting position?” is NO, there is not.“One correct sitting position does not exist. The same goes for different ergonomic chairs. Not even the best and most expensive ergonomic chair will help unless you...

Ergonomic office
Everyday we sit for as long as 10 hour clicking the mouse or touchpad at least 5000 times. During this time, we are also affected by the blue screen light we are constantly looking at from early morning until we are going to bed.So, it is important for us to know how...
Contact us
**Our medical facility does not have contracts with health insurance companies, so we do not accept FT vouchers for rehabilitation.**
MINT Terapie s.r.o.
IČO 02062241
Poliklinika Na Národní, 3. Patro
Národní 9, 110 00 Staré Město, Česká republika
Monday to Friday 8 AM–7:30 PM according to scheduled appointments.
Front desk operates between 8:00 AM–4 PM.
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