For firms
We take care of your health not only in our clinic, but also directly in companies and institutions through professional seminars and workshops.
Health issues concerning the musculoskeletal system are amongst the 3 most common causes of short-term and long-term absence from work.
The most frequent issues are low back pain, neck pain, and the repetitive strain injuries to upper and lower extremities.
There are specific work environments that are particularly risky. This applies to those who are:
- sitting and working on a computer for long hours
- traveling extensively, spending a lot of time in the car
- putting in a lot of over-time
- performing repetitive tasks and movements
- having manual handling tasks
Our educational activities
for organizations and broad public

Physiotherapy consultations
in companies
The regular presence of a physiotherapist directly at the workplace saves the time of your employees and has other great benefits – timely detection of pain and issues of the musculoskeletal system, the possibility of evaluating and ergonomically setting up the workplace, and last but not least, it significantly motivates to take care of one’s health. Physiotherapy consultations lasting between 20 – 60 minutes can be organized in your company regularly or seasonally as a part of health awareness days and campaigns.
Reviews from our clients:
uLékaře.cz spolupracuje s MINT Terapií již několik let. Našim uživatelům v online poradně pomáhá např. Mgr. Ptáčková, na dálku radí, vysvětluje a nasměrovává klienty k řešení jejich potíží. V rámci Dnů zdraví, které uLékaře.cz pořádá, se MINT podílí na přednáškách, webinářích, workshopech a na individuální péči o zaměstnance. MINT využíváme také v péči o nás samotné. Naši klienti i my jsme byli vždy nadšení z profesionálního jednání, odborných dovedností týmu a také z lidského přístupu, což jsou hodnoty, které jsou i pro nás v uLékaře.cz stěžejní.
MUDr. Boušková, Chief Medical Officer uLékaře.cz
The European Society of Cardiology
MINT Terapie has been working for our company, the European Society of Cardiology, for almost 4 full days at our annual congress that was happening in Prague. The team has been very professional and efficient throughout the congress. Our clients were delighted and left excellent feedbacks on their services. Not only the quality of the physiotherapy sessions was very high, but also they took the time needed for each client to personalize the sessions and went above and beyond to satisfy their needs. Thank you again MINT Terapie for your expertise and excellent services. We will make sure to contact you when we are back in Prague.
Laysa Khider, The European Society of Cardiology

Online and offline seminars and workshops
Having the right information and a good understanding of how your own body works is the key to long-term solutions and effective prevention. That is why we like to organize workshops, seminars and events for our clients, companies and other experts. We prepare educational materials and consult already set strategies for a healthy working environment.
Do you want to support your colleagues in taking care of their health? Send us an inquiry to host a workshop for you. We will come to you or we can meet online.
We will discuss these topics with you:
- Sedentary jobs: Tips & tricks on how to stay healthy at work
- Healthy breathing
- Prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Exercise and stretches for sedentary jobs
- Correct timing of your meals (Nutrition topic)

Support your employees with a meaningful benefit!
At MINT Terapie we accept employee benefit cards
Sodexo, BenefitPlus, Benefity and Edenred.
For payments for our services we also accept invoices issued
by the employer under the FKSP.
Contact us
**Our medical facility does not have contracts with health insurance companies, so we do not accept FT vouchers for rehabilitation.**
MINT Terapie s.r.o.
IČO 02062241
Poliklinika Na Národní, 3. Patro
Národní 9, 110 00 Staré Město, Česká republika
Monday to Friday 8 AM–7:30 PM according to scheduled appointments.
Front desk operates between 8:00 AM–4 PM.
Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved - MINT Terapie