
Respiratory physiotherapy
In this detailed article, our physiotherapist Mgr. Olga Mikynová prepared an overview of so-called respiratory physiotherapy. Whether you are from the field and do not have a lot of experience with this type of therapy, or you are interested in the article because you...

Organ therapy
‘’Life is motion, and motion is life.’’ Goes a saying by an osteopath, and founder of the visceral manipulation techniques amongst other, Jean-Pierre Barral,D.O. All our organs move. They move at different speeds, at different times and in various directions and they...

Home office
In the past couple months we have heard about working from home more than ever before. Different experts are talking about the best technical solutions for on-line meetings, about staying productive or keeping the so called work–life balance, when for some of us home...

Nasal breathing
Humans are naturally nose breathers. Mouth breathing is not optimal and can have a number of consequences on memory and sleep and impair the development of teeth and jaw structures in children.Mouth breathing vs. nose breathingDo you breathe mainly through your nose...

First consultation – what to expect
Many people may naturally feel nervous about going to a therapeutic consult. Countless times we have heard the feedback from clients about the entire process being a surprise to them as they did not know what to expect from their first-time visit. Here’s a sneak peak...
Contact us
**Our medical facility does not have contracts with health insurance companies, so we do not accept FT vouchers for rehabilitation.**
MINT Terapie s.r.o.
IČO 02062241
Poliklinika Na Národní, 3. Patro
Národní 9, 110 00 Staré Město, Česká republika
Monday to Friday 8 AM–7:30 PM according to scheduled appointments.
Front desk operates between 8:00 AM–4 PM.
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