+420 602 642 411      recepce@mint-terapie.cz

Domů / About us / Petra Koulová
Petra Koulová

Petra Koulová

Pediatric physiotherapist

Petra is conducting physiotherapies in Czech language only.


  • Certificate for performing a medical profession without professional supervision in the field of Physiotherapy
    2006–until now


  • Attestation exam in the field of Applied Physiotherapy – specialist expertise – Expert Physiotherapist


  • Study of specialized education in the field of Applied Physiotherapy
    IPVZ Department Of Physiatry Rehabilitation 2011–2014


  • SZŠ Alšovo nábřeží 1988–1992 Prague


  • Vojta Reflex Locomotion Therapy
    RL Corpus – 360 hours | 1994–1997 Olomouc


  • Diagnostics and therapy of functional disorders
    180 hours | 2011–2013 Prague


  • Basal stimulation
    2009–2011 Prague


  • Synergistic reflexology therapy
    2009–2010 Prague


  • Spiral Dynamics – Basic course
    2009 Prague


  • SI joint mobilization according to L. Mojžíšová’s Method


  • Yoga for kids


  • Massage for babies

Work experience

  • AZDD Praha 7 (out–patient facility for children and teenagers) I 1992–1994
    Pediatric physiotherapist


  • Poliklinika Praha 4 – Modřany I 1994–1998
    Pediatric physiotherapist


  • Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice (FTN) – Pediatric centre I 2002–2021
    Pediatric physiotherapist with roles in the ICU unit, psychomotor development evaluation, education for parents, Vojta reflex therapy, handling, Bobath concept therapy, yoga therapy, and sensorimotor training.

Contact us

**Our medical facility does not have contracts with health insurance companies, so we do not accept FT vouchers for rehabilitation.**

MINT Terapie s.r.o.
IČO 02062241

Poliklinika Na Národní, 3. Patro
Národní 9, 110 00 Staré Město, Česká republika

Monday to Friday 8 am–⁠7:30 pm according to scheduled appointments

Front desk operates between 8:30 am–5 pm

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