Mgr. Marta Sola Morena
Languages spoken: ENG, PL, GER
Marta is currently on maternity leave.
From my university studies to most of my professional career my greatest interest has always been to work in the field of orthopedic physiotherapy. I strongly believe in the benefits of preventative physiotherapy, which in my experience is the key to reduce the risk of injury while improving your overall physical health.
While preventative physiotherapy was my main focus in the first years of my professional career in Poland, I had the chance to move to Germany afterwards and further develop my skills in post-surgery therapy. I worked with all kinds of orthopedic issues, especially joint replacement surgeries and shoulder-related injuries.
I am currently studying a master in Osteopathy, seeking to extend my understanding of the causes of all injuries and pain, as well as of how to treat them efficiently and in a more holistic approach.
- shoulder issues (post-surgical and post-injury conditions)
- osteopathic techniques
- physiotherapy during pregnancy and after childbirth
- Academy of Osteopathy Warsaw
Osteopathy | 2021–present
- International Academy for Biodynamic Manual Therapy GmbH Leipzig, Germany
Manual Therapy | 2018–2020
- University of Physical Education and Sport Gdansk
Physiotherapy Master’s degree | 2011–2013
Physiotherapy Bachelor’s degree | 2008–2010
- Post-graduate training
- 2019–03 Machine-based physiotherapy
- 2016–01 Anatomy Trains I
- 2016–05 Anatomy Trains II
- 2015–10 „The Morales Method“ for manual therapy and body conditioning
- 2015–10 Physical activity for pregnant women
- 2014–06 „Brian Mulligan’s Concept“ Mobilization with movement
- 2014–02 Personal trainer instructor
- 2012–06 Functional massage, friction massage and other massage techniques in physiotherapy
- 2011–06 Wellness instructor
- 2011–06 Instructor for physical rehabilitation- strength training
- 2010–04 „Shoulder – the basics“ course conducted by the Polish Society for Sports Traumatology
- 2009–09 Senior group physical therapy instructor
Work experience
- ATOS Clinic Munich |2016–2021
- Fizjostacja Gdańsk | 2014–2016
- University of physical education and sport Gdansk
| 2011–2012 Internship in Sport Science
Contact us
**Our medical facility does not have contracts with health insurance companies, so we do not accept FT vouchers for rehabilitation.**
MINT Terapie s.r.o.
IČO 02062241
Poliklinika Na Národní, 3. Patro
Národní 9, 110 00 Staré Město, Česká republika
Monday to Friday 8 AM–7:30 PM according to scheduled appointments.
Front desk operates between 8:00 AM–4 PM.
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